From Trauma To Triumph
I equip and empower people to move from trauma to triumph.
You are not alone!
From trauma to triumph is about having a support system in place with a coach and a community of people who understand along with the right tools which include blogs, videos and coaching sessions.
Hey There!
I am a Registered Nurse, Acupuncture Physician, Life and Health Coach who experienced a lot of trauma married to a verbally abusive narcissistic husband for years, after filing for divorce I went through a year of financial and emotional difficulty and hours after my divorce became final he died and I began the Probate Process, my son had just turned and so began a healing journey for both of us.

"Anne Helped Me _____________ After I Joined!"
- Jeanette Stein,
I was married for 25 years, to a controlling narcissistic husband. He went out to bars or parties about 4 times a week and on more than one occasion I found him tracking me through the GPS app Life 360 without my consent or prior knowledge.
When my son was 5 years old and my husband was having another one of his anger outbursts where he would scream so loud that the house would shake and while my son was crying and I was sitting with him on the couch to hug him.
My husband punched me in my arm in front of my son causing me to “wake up”.I looked at my son, scared and crying and said to myself “No, I will not let him grow up like this.”
The next day I called a lawyer, filed for divorce and got a restraining order which I canceled the restraining order after 3 months so that my son could see his father. During the divorce proceedings my husband used everydollar that I had in the bank I took him to Court to take his name off the business debit cards and they said no because it was his business too even though I was the one working, luckily we had 2 houses.
Now we lead a worldwide community of family-focused entrepreneurs determined to change their futures too!
I lived in one house with my son and he began renovating the other house while staying at a hotel room on the beach. I was paying lawyer fees with a credit card.
During the year that we were separated he also removed $46,000.00 out of a joint safe deposit box at the bank. Mostly my money, for years any money that was given to me, birthday money ect was put there.
My husband wanted to go out to dinner every friday night as a “family” for my son’s safety. 1 years after the separation my husband developed COVID and was in the ICU for 10 days before he died. Everything happened so fast, I didn’t know it yet but my divorce became final about 12 hours before he died.
I had to tell my son on his first day of first grade that his daddy had died.

Chose to tell him after school. Our second house was given to my ex in the divorce, a house that I had paid for 15 years was no longer mine, thankfully it would go to my son, and so I began the probate process.
Probate is a long process and the only one who makes the decision is the judge. During this time I was part of a couple of facebook groups for divorce and the stories that I read were heartbreaking. I knew that someday I would be on a mission to help people who’ve experienced trauma similar to mine and different than mine but first I had to heal myself.
The emotions were difficult, being married for 25 years was a long time and when a person dies it is easy to remember the good times too, so I was a rollercoaster of ups and down emotions, sadness, grief, anger, fear, guilt and to be honest, I missed him a lot so there was a lot of confusion through my own healing I want want to help others heal too, no matter what your trauma is you can heel too.

The things that I have used to get relief and heal emotionally work and I want to help you because everyone has the opportunity to be free.
Free from negative emotions that can set you back in your life. This is your life and you have the choice to be happy or to let your trauma dictate your life. I chose to be happy and how I want to coach you and help you to free yourself from negative thoughts that can set you back.
This is your best life now,
Live it.Live your best life now. Make the choice to be free like I did. It is your choice, make the right one.
Imagine You Could...
Amazing Outcome
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Amazing Outcome
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.
Amazing Outcome
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.
From Trauma to Triumph Membership

We take our students through the exact path we walked to _______________________!
Yes, I Want This>>>

Find your online business idea. We have organized our best content for you into a simple to follow step-by-step course!

Easily plan all of your family meals for the week. I have put together a ton of easy to follow meal plans.

Build a business you love, that generates recurring income giving you the freedom and lifestyle you dream of.
But this is not just another course you take on your own!
You Are Not Alone
The Flipped Lifestyle Experience is an interactive and collaborative experience!
You will join hundreds of other family-focused entrepreneurs inside The Flipped Lifestyle Community!

Imagine being surrounded by people who cared about your success...
Who cheer you on when you win...
Pick you up when you fall...
Hold you accountable...
A group of people on a mission to take control of their lives, change their family's future, and leave an inheritance to their children's chilldren!
When You Join The From Trauma to Triumph Membership, You Will Get Instant Access To:
- From trauma to triumph online program - tips, resources, videos and blogs that guide and support you as you continue on your journey.
- From trauma to triumph coaching - one private 20 minute coaching call per month.
- From trauma to triumph online workbook - contains exercises that allow you to do therapeutic work that heals.
- From trauma to triumph community - where coaching and support groups unite to create incredible energy, validation and healing.
- From trauma to triumph live groups - one live group, zoom or facebook once a month - safe encourage others and get recommendations from a registered nurse, acupuncture physician, health and life coach or simply just be heard.
- From trauma to triumph private forum - a safe space to ask questions, share stories, and connect with our from trauma to triumph community at any time.
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Here's What It's Meant To Others

Jon Doe
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Jane Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.
I've turned my struggles into an easy-to-follow system to help you _______ and _________!
Scroll and read more to learn how you can _____________!

Learn how to ________________________! We have curated our best content for you, and have organized it into a simple to follow step-by-step course!

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The Exact Step-By-Step Process To ___________________ (Just Like I Did)
Courses include...

Jon Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.

Jane Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed.
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You can keep living the status quo, or you can take action and do something to __________!
Imagine [insert tangible thing they will achieve or get from your membership]. Wouldn't that be amazing? It's possible.
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"Our goal is to help you _____________________ so that you can ___________________. We want you to have _______________________! Your next step, is to join From Trauma to Triumph online membership community today!
Anne Silva
Founder, From Trauma to Triumph
See you on the inside!